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About The

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What It Is, What We Do

Participants get a 3-week program that covers all aspects of production, manufacturing, and the trades. 

We deliver an intensive team-based opportunity that lets them understand the inner workings of the operations by doing it. 

Simulate Real Manufacturing

The Institute simulates manufacturing by exposing participants to a realistic environment, career paths, real companies, and experiences that can help them decide if this is the industry for them.


Participants work in teams, develop products, manufacture a product line, and sell to real customers—just like a real work experience. 


Real Products, Real Customers

Attendees work in product teams. They figure out how to make real products for real customers and how to sell them. We teach them how to design and make them, how to use the tools and processes, and how to work with others.

Just like a company, they get real feedback and have to solve problems. They face materials shortages, change orders, deadlines, and real-world problems. 

Exposure to Companies, Professionals, Networks

This is a chance to visit manufacturers, work with professionals, and find out the real stories about jobs in manufacturing. Participants learn from mentors, network with company leaders, and gain tips and insights from professionals. This is exposure like none other that can help them explore and prepare for career success. 

Real Rewards

In exchange for their hard work, participants earn points. There are many ways to earn points - just like any performance-based program in a work environment. Points can then be exchanged for valuable rewards, prizes, gift cards, apparel, and more to help them prepare for careers and personal success. This alone is well worth their time. 


  • 3-Week Program Exploring Manufacturing Careers 

  • High School Credit 

  • Exclusive Tours of Manufacturing Facilities

  • Design, Create, Manufacture & Sell Products

  • See, Learn, and Do Every Step of the Process 

  • Mentor with Engineers, Welders, Designers & More!


Looking for the Interested

This program is designed for those who are exploring career options. Those students who already know they want a career in the trades and have taken a few years of shop or similar classes will not gain as much value from the program. Likewise, those who are just looking for something to do or who see this as an opportunity to earn some money but have no interest in fully participating in the program have not been successful in the past. 

Three Weeks of Learning and Work

Three weeks is not long to pack in all that we have. Learning is fast, and expectations are high. We recognize that many do not have a background in the trades, and we help them learn essential skills.  At the same time, we know the fastest way to learn is by doing, so we expect participants to "learn as they go." This requires listening, learning, responding to feedback, applying what they learn, learning from mistakes, and continuously improving. 

We provide some instruction, but we also leave a lot of the learning to the individuals and teams. Instructors and guides provide some explanation and demonstration, and then guide and enable participants to achieve success. As they work together as a team to plan, organize, solve problems, and produce, participants gain first-hand experience. 


Real Work

The program provides instruction from industry professionals. From there, students are given products to design (or refine), manufacture, and sell. The best understanding of the industry comes by experiencing the full cycle, from ideas to products to the final sale. 

Teams are given quotas to fill. They apply production standards such as quality, lean manufacturing, and continuous improvement as they work toward them. Just like in the real world, things happen. Students must work through change orders, supply issues, increases to quotas, and more—all within the same deadlines. (Just like in the real world!)

Because of the tight deadlines, production demands, and sales requirements, everyone on the team is expected to do their part. Full attendance and engagement are required to make it work. As goals are met, points are earned, and rewards are accumulated. 

Real Work Environments

Along the way, we expose students to different manufacturers. We go to multiple sites for tours and discussions about how they do things and the career opportunities available. This helps participants see manufacturing in action and different capacities. 


At the end of the program, we recognize students for their hard work. Graduates receive a Certificate of Completion, a stipend, and CTE credit. The full graduation ceremony acknowledges their hard work and achievement. 

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Some Areas Covered

  • Product Development

  • Product Design & Basic Drafting

  • Shop Production

  • Intro to Engineering in Production

  • Production Planning

  • Demand Management

  • Quality and Process Improvement

  • Customers - How to Find Them

  • Sales & Marketing Your Products

  • Intro to Welding, Machining, & More


Your team will design, make, and sell products from start to finish...all while learning how manufacturing is done in different environments. 


Download Our New Guide!

Check out our new booklet - "Experience Manufacturing." It outlines the Institute, its background, the program's impact, and how we plan to grow. This 28-page guide shares more details about where we've been and where we're going to help better prepare high school graduates for their future. 

What Is The Institute?

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